2019, Number 2
Relation between intestinal microbiota, epigenetics and exposome in motherchild health
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 188.20 Kb.
Introduction: Exposome, epigenetics and microbiota of an individual are categories that are interrelated and can contribute to a better understanding of the health-sickness process.Objective: To deepen the comprehensive analysis of the mentioned categories with a biopsychosocial approach.
Methods: A bibliographic search in Medline, Pubmed, Scielo, LILACS and Cochrane databases was made in the last five years in English and Spanish, on the relation between nutrition and diseases onset, the intestine-brain axis, the correspondence between epigenetics and the exposome, and intestinal microbiota and its relation with some conditions.
Results: The proper feeding of the mother in quality and quantity is a health insurance for the future life of a person. The intestine -brain axis can be affected by risk factors, hence the importance of regulating its functioning for the prevention of diseases such as depression, anxiety syndrome, overweight, and others. 10% of the risk of chronic diseases may be due to genetic factors but it is unknown that many human exposures to the environment could initiate disease processes in the future. The exposome is a useful tool to evaluate risk factors for diseases generated by the environment: exposure to chemicals and contaminants, lifestyle, socioeconomic status and social environment of an individual.
Final considerations: The rupture of the equilibrium between intestinal microbiota, epigenetics and exposome is related to the etiopathogenesis of various diseases, with the individual characteristics of human beings and their relationship with the environment.
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