2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (2)
Delphi´s validation of a questionnaire about handling of pain in Pediatrics
Pérez CN, Martínez TMC, Gómez CSY, Díaz MI
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 185.60 Kb.
Introduction: There are numerous factors that influence the prescription of analgesics in
Pediatrics, some of them are related to prescriptors and other are not directly related to them.
In order to determine the factors of bigger impact in this problem, a questionnaire was
developed and submitted later to a group of experts in order to be validated.
Objectives: To determine the contents to include in the questionnaire and to evaluate its
Method: The Delphi method was used, with a circulation in 3 rounds of a questionnaire
remitted to a group of experts of Havana province from May to October of 2016.
Results: 23 experts participated in the study; in the two first rounds they determined the
items to include and in the third round the questions. In this last round the consensus was of
89.3%, so, it was decided to finish the circulation of the questionnaire. They condensed the
43 accepted questions into 19 with multiple clauses and the final questionnaire was
obtained. For the factors not dependents of the prescriptor, Cronbach's alpha value was
0.179 and Spearman-Brown coefficient´s value was 0.231; while for the factors that
depended on the prescriptor, the values were 0.506 and 0.717, respectively.
Conclusions: The high level of consent obtained and the results of statistics test referred to factors depending on the prescriptor are indicators that the questions included in the
questionnaire are valid markers to evaluate in a reliable way the handling of pain in Pediatric
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