2018, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2018; 31 (2)
Correction of high myopia with ACR-128 phakic lens implantation
Cárdenas DT, Valdés GG, Sánchez AL, Fumero GFY, Cuan AY, Montero DE
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 258.97 Kb.
The high myopia, by definition, is that equal or bigger to -6 spherical dioptrías; not in function of the bend high corneal, like it is the case of the queratocono, neither for the sclerosis of the crystalline lens that happens in stages preseniles, but in dependence of the axial longitude bigger than 25,5 or 26,0 mm. The optic correction of these high defects is difficult, since it is frequent that the patients feel uncomfortable with the glasses use, because they don't obtain a good quality of vision and with the purpose of improving it, different surgical procedures have been developed. Young patient 26 years old is presented with high myopia that doesn't adapt to the contact eyeglasseses and she doesn't want to continue with the equivalent spherical preoperatorio -11,5 and -6 dioptrías diminish at -1,00 and - 0,5 respectively and the visual sharpness without glasses of bill fingers and 0,1 at 0,8 and 0,9 respectively. With this case it is evidenced that the lenses fáquicas are an option with good results in the correction of the high myopia.
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