2006, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2006; 44 (2)
Teaching evaluation at Medical School, UNAM
Salas-Gómez LE, Ortiz-Montalvo A, Alaminos-Sager LI
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 171-180
PDF size: 276.90 Kb.
The purpose of this article is to offer a synthesis of what has been done in the Teaching Evaluation Program at the Medical School of the Auto-nomous National University of Mexico (UNAM). The Program involves three questionnaires of the students’ opinion that evaluate professors of the basic and sociomedical areas, microbiology and parasitology laboratory and surgery. Between 1994 and 2003, 134 811 questionnaires were answered to evaluate the teaching performance of 6262 professors of pregraduate students. Although the evaluation of teaching through a single way is insufficient, the results obtained allow us to affirm that the Medical School at UNAM has a good professor staff, as well as they are useful for the design of programs dedicated to the acknowledgment of excellence and the needs for teaching education.
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