2019, Number 1
Comparison of the forage tree species consumption by Pecari tajacu in captivity
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-8
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The objective was to compare consumption of dry matter (CMS) of Mucuna fruit (M. deeringiana), forages of ramón (B. alicastrum), jabín (P. piscipula), and Moringa (M. oleifera) in Collared Peccary male adults (P. tajacu). The study was carried out in two parts, the first one was executed with Latin square design (DCL) 4x4 with two repetitions, and three forages with ground Mucuna fruit were offered. In the second part, the preferred forage was eliminated in the first test and DCL 3x3 was applied. Variance analysis was used for 4x4 and 3x3 DCL respectively, and Tukey test between means. Linear regression models were adjusted between the CMS and nutrient contents of each forage. The CMS in the first part showed a significant difference between the Moringa forages and the rest of them. In the second test, the CMS presented a significant difference between Ramón and the two remaining forages. Three linear regression models were highly significant, between CMS and crude protein content (PC), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and total phenols (FT). It is concluded that peccaries have the preference for M. oleifera, which has the highest values in PC, FT and the lowest in NDF.REFERENCES
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