2019, Number 2
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Acta Med 2019; 17 (2)
Perioperative experience in renal transplantation in a private hospital in Mexico
Contreras RCE, García GAE, Hernández CC, Portela OJM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 126-130
PDF size: 149.21 Kb.
Introduction: Renal transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease; the availability of organs is currently the main limiting factor. Few private hospitals in Mexico meet the necessary certifications to be considered an authorized center, which is why publications in private hospitals are seldom heard of.
Objective: To evaluate the anesthetic management of patients undergoing renal transplantation and to compare the adherence to international guidelines.
Design: Retrospective, cohort, descriptive and observational study.
Material and methods: From january 2011 to december 2017, 30 patients underwent renal transplantation under general anesthesia. Their anesthetic risk, source of donation, cause of renal disease, type of renal replacement therapy, type of anesthetic agent, muscle relaxant, complications, central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure before and after perfusion were recorded.
Results: 28 patients underwent general balanced anesthesia and one, general intravenous anesthesia. Orotracheal intubation was performed in 28 patients and only one case remained intubated for more than 12 hours. Complications were classified as early (11.1%) and late (88.8%), with 44% being secondary to renal rejection.
Discussion: The complete examination of the patient and the optimization of his/her general state of health contribute to the optimal function of the graft and survival of the recipient.
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