2019, Number 1
Patient safety culture: perception of the staff from a family medicine center in Tabasco, Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 14-22
PDF size: 908.36 Kb.
Introduction: A positive security culture is characterized by communication based on mutual trust, sharing the perception of the importance of security and confidence in the effectiveness of preventive actions.Objective: To determine the perception of health and non-health professionals about patient safety culture in a family medicine center from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social at the state of Tabasco, Mexico.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study with health and non-health staff from a family medicine center. To evaluate patient safety culture, it was used the Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture (MOSPSC) questionnaire, which have been used by the primary care teams of the National Health System of Spain. For the analysis, positive and negative scores were estimated for each dimension with the use of descriptive statistics.
Results: The dimensions with the highest scores were Teamwork (65%) and Patient care follow-up (63%), whereas the dimensions with the lowest scores were Work pressure and pace (29%), Communication openness (30%) and Management support for patient safety (30%).
Conclusions: The study allowed us to identify areas of opportunity related to patient safety culture and in the planning, design and implementation of strategies in favor of patient safety. If we promote patient safety, we promote the safety of health and non-health staff.
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