2018, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (2)
Mood state in leisure time of students who university start and finish
Castañeda SKA, Sevilla MLE, Calero MS, Romero FE, Torres RA, Romero GY
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 27-38
PDF size: 355.20 Kb.
Introduction: Leisure time is fundamental for personal life in human being, inferring a preponderant role in indicators such as health. The leisure time use can contribute positively or negatively in the student's mood, balancing psychic processes and social behavior.
Objective: to analyze the mood state in the university student's leisure time of the that initiate and culminate the studies in Ciencias de la Actividad Física, Deportes y Recreación in the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.
Methods: The population of university students in Physical Activity, Sports and Recreation sciences of the aforementioned university is studied, belonging to the first (40 subjects) and eighth semester (10 subjects), with a range between 19-28 years old. Two surveys were applied during exam periods, the first to evaluate the Leisure Programs (EPOL) used by the student body, and the second to determine the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The results were compared with the Mann-Whitney U test (p≤ 0.05).
Results: the average leisure time quality for eighth semester was determined in 94.9 points, and first semester in 91.95 points (Difference: 2.95), without significant differences (p= 0.693). In the mood case, the eighth semester reached 62.8 points, and first semester 46.6 points (Difference: 16.2), without significant differences (p= 0.181).
Conclusions: The non-existence of significant differences in the mood states and leisure time quality in the independent groups studied is demonstrated. The probable causes are related to student motivation levels, which although different have acceptable indexes that compensate for unfavorable psychological states, in addition to physical activity relatively index high that have physical activity students, a variable that compensates possible negative moods, that is not present in other university careers, aspect that is recommended to study.
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