2018, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (1)
Technical and biomedical study to detect talents athletics
Isidoria WCM, Lara CD, Bautista SOA, Vaca GMR
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 85-94
PDF size: 271.66 Kb.
Introduction: The sport talents detection for athletics corresponding to an average age range between 10 and 11 years old (both sexes) is based on physical performance obtained through sports performance assessment tests established in the literature. Delimiting physical and medical-biological indicators allows the management process of sports training to be efficiently managed.
Objective: To determine the physical and biomedical behavior of sports perspectives students, with the purpose of identifying sport talents for the athletics practice.
Methods: Under an intentional sampling, 26 students of sports perspectives were selected between 11-12 years old (12 female subjects and 14 male subjects) trained in the "Obdulio Morales Torres" School, applying eight physical and biomedical tests to determine their Real potentials for the Cuban athletics sports selection.
Results: Collective arithmetic means were established, for the female sex they were located in 37.08 points ("Good" Performance), and masculine in 33.29 ("Regular" Performance). At least 12 subjects (sports talents) of both sexes, are published in the account for the sport selection in the practices of athletics, 9 is qualified as a sports reserve and 5 without conditions.
Conclusions: The most relevant tests for 10-year-old girls were speed and resistance. In 11 years old boys the speed and long jump with momentum were the best passed tests of athletics. The obtained results allow to locate the students with perspectives according to events of speed, jumps, throws and multiple events according to their results.
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