2019, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2019; 30 (1)
Intellectual attribution in Cuban medical journals
Prieto ADE
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 315.05 Kb.
Acknowledgment of the authorship of arguments in medical writing affects science
imperatives such as accuracy and transparency, reproducibility and legal responsibility. The
purpose of the study was to describe its behavior in Cuban medical journals certified as
scientific by CITMA. To achieve this end, a qualitative analysis was conducted of a sample
of 50 Discusión (Discussion) sections dealing with original research papers published from
2007 to 2011. Data were collected onto coding sheets and analyzed within the theoretical
framework of pragmalinguistics and science rhetoric. 5% of the statements were found to
contain unequivocal intellectual attribution to the author of the text, made manifest by the
referential use of the grammatical person; 25% of the statements were attributed to specific
third persons by bibliographic references, and in 70% of the statements attribution was
ambiguous (47% attributable to non-specified third persons and 23% in which the possible
conceptualizer is the scientific community). In conclusion, self-ascription of arguments by
the speaker, preferably through the use of the first grammatical person, makes it possible to
distinguish personal judgment from inter-subjective arrangement, since authorship of a
paper does not presuppose the authorship of all the arguments therein included. The high
proportion of statements issued by their authors without intellectual attribution or by
ambiguous means, despite the high degree of textual specialization, deserves further
research and editorial attention.
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