2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2015; 53 (3)
Methemoglobinemia in an infant caused by consumption of drinking water with a high content of nitrates in Camagüey
Larios OL, Ferrer RG, Himelis FL, Gesén PM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 74.76 Kb.
Introduction: Contamination of groundwater with nitrates is a current problem
affecting infants in both developing and developed countries.
Objective: Report a case of infant methemoglobinemia in the province related to consumption of water with a high content of nitrates.
Clinical case: Female white three-month-old infant, preterm of 28 weeks and low
birth weight (980 g) born in a hard-to-reach area in the municipality of Najasa,
province of Camagüey, 2 700 g at hospital discharge, mixed breastfeeding, and followup
by the neurodevelopment service with indication of iron salt and vitamin
supplements. Later on she is brought to neurodevelopment consultation, where she is
noted to have severe cyanosis compatible with methemoglobinemia, as well as
methemoglobin values of 67%. Despite intensive treatment she died at 72 hours.
Analysis of the water used for human consumption in the community showed that
nitrate content is four times the acceptable level.
Conclusions: Methemoglobinemia associated with artificial or mixed breastfeeding
and consumption of water with a high content of nitrates is a potentially fatal but
preventable disease. It is therefore necessary to implement educational strategies in
primary health care to promote breastfeeding and the correct boiling of drinking water,
as well as the elimination of possible contamination sources and other measures.
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