2019, Number 3
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2019; 62 (3)
The duty of care of the doctor in Mexico
Fernández VMH, Sotelo MGE
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 40-49
PDF size: 525.29 Kb.
Nowadays, citizens are aware of their rights, which, in the
public health field has lead to more complaints against medical
actions. Hence, it is essential that health professionals,
in particular, doctors, have a clear understanding of their
responsibilities, obligations and rights; as well as their possibilities
of action when they attend, provide a diagnosis and
treat their patients. Thus, this knowledge must encompass
not only the professional field but also the personal, legal and
work fields. The present work makes a general review of the
norms and laws that govern the doctor’s "duty of care", for
the full compliance of the medical profession, the protection
of those who make the medical practice possible; and above
all, to be able to provide the greatest benefits for the patients.
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