2018, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (4)
Bibliometric review on the teaching-learning of ergonomics in virtual and distance modalities
Hernández DWA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
PDF size: 264.81 Kb.
Introduction: The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has
gained relevance in the learning processes.
Objective: To quantify and characterize scientific literature published in indexed
journals about pedagogical practices applied in the teaching-learning process of
Ergonomics used in the distance and virtual modalities.
Methods: Search equations were designed and applied in 9 databases. The selected
articles were categorized by source, database, year, thematic area, language, impact
factor, developed theme, publication classification, time sequence, research scope,
country where the research was carried out, country that carried out the research,
organization that carried out the research, organization that provided resources, and
discipline of the author. These were quantified and analyzed.
Results: 39% of the articles were found in Science Direct, the majority in English,
47% were published in journals in the field of social sciences and education. Half of the
articles did not report an impact factor in Scimago and almost 80% of the papers had a
descriptive scope. 7.8% of the documents treated the topic of interest.
Conclusions: The use is emphasized of didactic strategies that allow the discussion,
reflection and solution of everyday situations, trying to take the student to a real
context such as case studies and problem-based learning. Articles that dealt with
aspects of Ergonomics and on-the-job training were found, stating the need for
responsible personnel to have notions in pedagogical competences. More studies are
needed with an analytical scope.
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