2018, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (4)
The use of augmented reality in the Medical teaching of Anatomy: student's acceptance and motivation
Cabero AJ, Barroso OJ, Puentes PÁ, Cruz PI
Language: Spanish
References: 63
Page: 56-69
PDF size: 269.18 Kb.
Introduction: The choice of digital alternatives over physical models through augmented reality technologies is presented as an alternative in the teaching of medicine.
Objective: To know the degree of acceptance and motivation that augmented reality causes among medical students.
Methods: A study was carried out during the academic year 2016-2017 with the participation of 50 medical students, who were coursing the subject Human Anatomy I at the University of Seville. For the motivation analysis, we used the "Instructional Material Motivational Survey"; for the degree of acceptance, we applied "The Technology Acceptance Model"; we also used a third instrument for the students to evaluate the learning objects.
Results: The results revealed the students' positive assessment about augmented reality based on its didactic benefits: motivation, acceptance, acquisition of knowledge, among others.
Conclusions: The designed objects were positively rated by the students, easy to download and install on their devices. The results are important, since they were obtained with diverse objects prepared for the study.
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