2018, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (3)
Meaning of care before starting Nursing professional training
Becerra AC, Guarnizo TM, Vargas ELM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 133-146
PDF size: 305.80 Kb.
Introduction: Care as instinct has allowed the preservation of life through the ages. Social, educational, gender-related changes, among others, facilitated the individual and group elaboration around this concept.
Objective: To interpret the meaning of care according to students who initiate professional training in nursing.
Methods: Qualitative study supported by the ethnographic method of James Spradley, with the participation of the students enrolled in first semester of Nursing. The data collection was done before starting the subjects related to the discipline. The theoretical saturation was achieved with the completion of nine interviews.
Results: The data analysis was developed in the software Nvivo 11. The central topic was called El cuidado, herramienta cultural para el mantenimiento de la vida ["Care, a Cultural Tool for the Life Maintenance"] and was structured in subtopics (domains): Care as instinct for survival (care practices and experiences with the act of caring), the feminine look (the heritage of cultural knowledge), professional care (nursing, a caring profession), and the relationship with a superior being (religiosity and spirituality).
Conclusion: This meaning is related to the need the individual has to contribute to life maintenance in the cultural context in which it takes place. Since the training period, it is essential to understand the interpretations given around life as a strategy to improve the quality of nursing care.
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