2018, Number 3
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Anales de Radiología México 2018; 17 (3)
Managing the human factor in health and radiology services: What we have to know in the new trends
Alonso-Que HT, Castillo-Uribe L, Ramírez-Arias JL, Sánchez-Nájera SA
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 174-178
PDF size: 159.46 Kb.
We seek to persuade readers about the importance of new trends in the management of the
human factor in health services so that they grow at the pace of the demand of an increasingly
demanding, varied and competent society. In the current context, the real and sustainable
competitive advantage of an organization is its well-trained and highly committed employees, and not its machinery. The concern of human resources about the profile and
skills of health professionals is not minor, because it has become one of the most important
economic and social growth engines of developed countries.
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Celis OJC, De la Garza E, Iranzo C, Richter J, Neffa JC, Belmont E, et al. La subcontratación laboral en América Latina: miradas multidimensionales. Colombia: Clacso; 2012.
North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation. Guía sobre condiciones mínimas de trabajo, deducciones al salario e indemnización por despido injustificado en México. Disponible en: http://www.abrelosojos.yolasite.com/ resources/Libros/Condiciones%20m%C3%ADnimas%20de%20Trabajo.pdf
Organización Internacional del Trabajo. Informe mundial sobre salarios 2014/2015. Salarios y desigualdades de ingresos. Disponible en: www.ilo. org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@publ/documents/publication/ wcs_343034.pdf
Rius M. Así vemos el trabajo según la edad. La Vanguardia, 02/04/2016. Disponible en: www.lavarguardia.com/vida/20160401/40801626085/diferencias- generacionales-en-el-trabajo-baby-boomers-millennials-generacion- x-generacion-z-generacion-empleo.html
Dolan SL, Jackson SE, Valle CR, Schuler RS. La gestión de recursos humanos. Preparando profesionales para el siglo XXI. 2.ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill; 2003. p. 52-3.
Frenk, J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, et al. Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet. 2010;376:1923-58.