2018, Number 3
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Geroinfo 2018; 13 (3)
Buccal illnesses and factors of the elderly in Center Havana
Rodríguez SS, Ramos GRM, López PAR, Vázquez GJA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 177.11 Kb.
Introduction: the health in elderly is defined as functional health and it is the one that allows the individual to live to agreement fullness with his possibilities and capacity; if it completes his own expectations that person he is living in a healthy way; therefore, the
oral health is essential part of the health in general and quality of the old men's life.
Objective: to identify the buccal main illnesses and factors of risk to the health in the
adults bigger than Policlinic Marcio Manduley.
Methods: was carried out a descriptive investigation, of traverse court, the universe
conforms it 2068 individuals of 60 and more the sample was constituted by 563 those
that were chosen at random. The variables to study were: age, sex, structures and
family operation, buccal illnesses and factors of risks, the results are shown in absolute
values and percentage.
Result: the 47.6 % belongs to the group from 60 to 69 years, the one 58.4 % is of the
feminine sex, the extensive families represented the one 51.3 %, 80 % of the families
are functional; the one 40.1 % presents periodontal illness and 35.7 % ingests hot
Conclusions: the elderly prevail between 60 and 69 years; the feminine stands out.
The functional and extensive families and the periodontal illness prevail, as factors of
risk the ingestion of hot foods was that most represented one.
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