2006, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2006; 14 (3)
Impact of an educational strategy in the measurement of blood pressure by whitening in infants
Salinas-Peñaloza P, Labastida-Apodaca DM, López-García I, Rodríguez-Monroy J, Castañeda-Muciño G, González-Cabello H
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 123-130
PDF size: 132.74 Kb.
Introduction: Measuring blood pressure, by whitening technique, demonstrates usefulness and accuracy in newborn and infant patients. Medical literature reports limitations in the knowledge of the adequacy of measurement.
Objective: To measure the impact of an educational strategy in nursing staff within an infant service regarding measurement of blood pressure by whitening technique.
Methodology: Cuasi-experimental study in 20 nurses from an infant service, chose them by no randomized sampling, by convenience; 3 nurses were excluded, as they did not conclude the three phases of the process. The study was divided on 3 phases. The first one was a shadow study to know the way in which nurses measured blood pressure by whitening, using a scale. During the second one, an educational strategy was applied making emphasis in the number and sequence of steps to measure arterial blood pressure. The third phase of the study was, also, a shadow study applying the scale in the same staff.
Results: 100% of staff did not comply with number and sequence of the technique to measure the blood pressure by whitening, thereafter to educational strategy. From 7 needed steps to do the technique, the second, seventh, and sixth steps were corrected; the last one with statistic significance.
Discussion: With the educational strategy, it was concluded that either omission or modification of steps in the measurement of blood pressure by whitening, leads to obtain imprecise determinations; however, it was not observed any change in the way to measure blood pressure. With this result, it may be told that the educational strategy had a low impact y may be attributed to resistance of changing. For this reason, it is necessary to implement other strategies that develop critical thinking and reflexive attitude in the praxis.
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