2018, Number 4
Electrocardiogram: teaching aid for students of biomedical careers
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 30-39
PDF size: 287.32 Kb.
Introduction: a teaching aid was developed for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, through electrocardiograms in English and Spanish designed for students of Biomedical careers, using the clinical diagnosis, the English language as a study-work discipline and computing as a teaching aid, based on the need to develop habits, knowledge and skills in these contents, as well as to contribute to the formation of the mode of action of the medical profession in accordance with the technological facilities and the current social requirements, from the cooperation of the three disciplines. Objective: to elaborate a teaching aid that favors the development of theoretical-practical skills in English in the reading of the electrocardiogram, in students of biomedical careers. Development: a means of teaching was elaborated for the reading of the electrocardiogram, in English and Spanish for the students of the Biomedical careers, being used the clinical diagnosis, the English language as study-work discipline and the calculation like half of teaching, based on the necessity of developing habits, knowledge and abilities in these contents, as well as to contribute in the formation in the way of performance of the medical profession of agreement with the technological facilities and the current social requirements. A teaching aid was obtained for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases through electrocardiograms, with an interactive module that allows the evaluation of practical theoretical skills in English and Spanish. Conclusions: the teaching aid facilitated a progress in the quality of the development of the theoretical-practical skills in English by means of the electrocardiogram, evidenced in the solution of the problems of professional practice in English.REFERENCES
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