2019, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (1)
Factors and internal consistency analysis of the Okasha’s Suicidality Scale among adolescents
Campo-Arias A, Zuñiga-Díaz ZM, Mercado-Marín AL, García-Tovar AC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 154.11 Kb.
Introduction: The internal structure or dimensionality, and the internal consistency of
health measurement scales vary in each population. It is necessary to study these
characteristics of the Okasha´s Suicidality Scale (OSS) in the Colombian context.
Objective: To explore the dimesionality and internal consistency of the OSS among
students from Santa Marta, Colombia.
Method: A validation study was performed. 91 students with ages between 14 and 19 years
participated; and 65,9 % were women. The students completed the OSS, Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Dimensionality was
explored by confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). The BDI was used for convergence and
RSES for divergence.
Results: The OSS showed scores between 0 and 12 (M = 3,3; SD = 3,1). It was identified
one responsible dimension of 69,1 % of the variance. Adjustment indicators in the factorial
analysis were adequate. Cronbach alpha and McDonald omega for OSS were 0,85. The
correlation with the BDI was rs = 0,68 and the correlation with the RSES, r = -0,53.
Conclusions: The OSS presents a one-dimension internal structure and excellent internal
consistency as is expected from a tool only formed by four items. Previous studies that
informed on the performance of OSS did not inform the factorial structure due to not
carrying out an exploratory or confirmatory factorial analysis. More studies are needed.
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