2019, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (1)
Historiographic traits of psychoanalysis in Mexico and Latin America
Rodríguez MS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 646-660
PDF size: 167.34 Kb.
Latin America still has a gap in the historiographic production of
Psychoanalysis. The lack of this reflection or its haphazard
existence evidences the difficulties through which the analysis itself, its practice and its writing go through. In Latin America and
especially in Mexico the history of Psychoanalysis is not practiced
from this last approach and even less in a systematic way, for this
reason the originality of addressing this problem in our countries.
The proposal differs from the studies that have been written, often
in journalistic style, or with the methodology of Anglo-Saxon
historical theory. The methodological option that I propose
incorporates the philosophy of Freud's own history as a study of
the psychoanalytic movement. The historiographic production in
the field of psychoanalysis in Latin America is, in fact, that of
psychoanalysts. A large part of the writings and books deals with
Psychoanalysis, Societies or psychoanalytic institutions. This
article talks about the new methodology proposed by Georges
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