2019, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (1)
Pedagogical psychology in the first governments of the mexican revolution: the case of Andres Osuna Hinojosa
Mondragón GJC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 490-506
PDF size: 266.24 Kb.
The following text approaches the contribution to Psychological
Pedagogy made by Andrés Osuna (1872-1957), a Mexican
educator born in Tamaulipas. The most relevant feature of his
contribution rests on the fact that he made it in the first decade
of the Twentieth-Century, when the teaching of Psychology had
just few years initiated in the National University of Mexico.
Osuna founded the Normal School at Saltillo in 1894 and was
appointed as the Basic Instruction Director of the State of
Coahuila. In 1916, he was designed Director of Public
Education in Mexico City, and Director of Basic Instruction in
Nuevo León the next year. This direct link with basic education
and with Normal graduate teacher’s formation made him
deepen in his knowledge on child’s Development Psychology
and in the role the schoolteachers should accomplish in this
development. To achieve this purpose, he wrote what could be
the first treatise on Pedagogical Psychology published by a
Mexican author. This book, which went on several editions and
became an obliged reading textbook for students in Mexican
Normal Schools, was first published in 1910, and his author
must be considered as one of the several forerunners to be
taken on account in a future general history of the Twentieth-
Century Mexican Psychology, still to be written.
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