2017, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2017; 46 (4)
Clinical epidemiological characterization of patients affected by diabetic foot
Núñez ÁD, Martinella PI, Cruz SR, Mourlot RA, García DVG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 337-348
PDF size: 94.19 Kb.
Introduction: Diabetic foot is a health problem in patients with diabetes mellitus
and is registered as the first cause of non-traumatic amputation of limbs. The
knowledge of its clinical-epidemiological characteristics is of great interest.
Objective: Clinically and epidemiologically to characterize patients with
neuroinfectious diabetic foot in the Hospital "Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany" of
Santiago de Cuba.
Method: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out. The universe consisted
of 96 patients diagnosed with diabetic foot during the period between 2011 and
2015. Demographic variables related to general and specific risk factors of diabetic
foot were used.
Results: The diabetic foot predominated between the fourth and sixth decades of
life (24.7%) and in female patients (59.7%). Type 2 diabetes mellitus was
represented in 52.5%. While the most frequent risk factor for diabetic foot was
obesity (56.7%), diabetic neuropathy as a specific risk factor was present in 98.9%
of the patients studied.
Conclusions: The diabetic foot predominated in the fourth and sixth decades of life
and in the female sex. The highest percentage of patients was a carrier of type 2
diabetes mellitus. Obesity, peripheral diabetic neuropathy, overweight, and
hyperglycemia were the prevailing risk factors.
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