2019, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (1)
Revision of the theories and models incidents in the development
Mendoza-Nápoles CA, Maldonado SEB
Language: Spanish
References: 63
Page: 1-24
PDF size: 186.35 Kb.
The study of the development of the human being is complex, that is
why broader approaches have been proposed for a real compression of
phenomenon and the proposal of different models for the study of the
phenomenon. The justification of the revision of theories and models
arises from the need to address the problem of parenting, since there
are multiple consequences in it. This text presents the most outstanding
theoretical background that deals with the development of children, as
well as the criticisms that have had some of the theories exposed; after
the theories that explain the development of the children, there are the
different explanatory models that have emerged over time about
parenting are presented. The theories and models presented in this
paper were extracted from a literature review on research that refers to
upbringing and development. The investigations were consulted in the
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