2018, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (6)
Child labour and occupational health in Mexico: a challenge for medicine
Sámano-Ríos, ML
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 550-557
PDF size: 1245.34 Kb.
Occupational Health is a transdisciplinary activity relatively
less known and under-developed in Mexico. Its objective
is the well-being of workers: physical, mental and social
spheres. Hygiene, safety, ergonomics, psychology,
medicine, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sociology,
anthropology, law and economics, are some examples of
the disciplines involved in the field of Occupational Health.
Child labour is all productive activity carried out by
persons under 18 years old, with or without compensation,
which is harmful to their physical, mental and social
development. In Mexico more than 2.5 million children and
adolescents face this situation. Most of them work in the
informal sector where hazardous work environment may
exist and occupational health activities or at least,
occupational medicine services are missing. Promoting
the work of children is not a moral act but poverty and
inequity that force them to work in some countries is
happening every day. Without better alternatives,
eradication of child labour in the short or medium term
does not seem a realistic goal. This paper highlights the
need for a new way of thinking about child labour: child
work that is safe. Social and professional awareness
about the reality of child labour and occupational health
potential could represent the opportunity to at least make
child labour into safe child work. Physicians may have a
privileged position to lead that transformation, if provided
with the right training and tools.
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