2018, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (2)
Association of the university and the community to contribute to improve the attention to the bigger adults
Rodríguez QT, Fabelo RJR, Iglesias MS, Gavilanes CYP
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 68.45 Kb.
Introduction: In this work the contribution of a project of association between the
university and the community to improve the attention to the bigger adults by giving
answer to the need of specific interventions that guarantee you a worthy and sure life.
Objective: To describe the experiences of the application of this project in from
attention to adult's bigger centers in the Loja city.
Methods: Executed during the year 2016 and the involucrate actors went students of
the titration of medicine. Were paid attention 92 adult elders and it is used the
investigation method-participation-action, as of the diagnostic of the situation of the
beneficiary entity and the application of the skills of the students. They carried out the
analysis of the situation of health and the diagnostic psychological and social identified
and granted priority problems of health.
Results: The students received eight weekly hours of training during the academic
cycle in topics related with the attention to the bigger adults, put into practice the
knowledge's received and develop competences that permitted contribute you to foment
an appropriate taken care of to this population group. as of it they were executed
activities of diagnosis, health promotion, education for the health and prevention of
someone geriatrics condition.
Conclusions: The association of the university and the community happened in
effective strategy not single for your contribution to the formation of human resources
in health or that moreover improved the quality of life of the bigger adults of the
geriatrics centers of the Loja city.
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