2018, Number 3-4
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2018; 72 (3-4)
Demographic characteristics of mothers and children undergoing assisted reproduction techniques at Hospital Español de México in 2016
Castillo-Salazar AL, Iglesias-Leboreiro J, Bernárdez-Zapata I, Braverman A, Garay-Carmona DG, Márquez-Parra A
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 173-179
PDF size: 197.03 Kb.
Introduction: Infertility is a disease characterized by the inability to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of unprotected sex. In Mexico, assisted reproduction is on par with any country, being the third nation in Latin America with the largest number of reproduction centers.
Objective: To determine the demographic characteristics of mothers and children undergoing assisted reproduction techniques (ART) at the Hospital Español de México in 2016.
Material and methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study that included newborns product of ART performed in the Hospital Español de México in 2016. Information was obtained on the method of delivery, number of products, weeks of gestation at birth, birth weight and height, and if they required admission to the NICU, as well as the complications presented.
Results: 292 patients undergoing ART were included. Of the associated maternal complications, the most prevalent were infections during pregnancy. Data were obtained from 373 newborns. The complications in these patients are described, the most frequent being respiratory.
Conclusions: ART are increasingly used treatments. Care must be taken when informing prospective parents about associated complications, taking into account the variability of the available data.
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