2018, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (5)
Evaluation of Chiapas’ HIV/AIDS information system of epidemiological surveillance
Gómez-Ricárdez LA, Gómez-Dantes H, Krug-Llamas E, Mohela-Gómez A
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 468-477
PDF size: 1307.07 Kb.
Background: The functionality and performance of a
health information system should be evaluated from the
perspective of those who develop its processes.
Considering the above, this study evaluated the
performance of the HIV/AIDS Epidemiological
Surveillance System (SIVE VIH/SIDA, according to its
initials in Spanish) in Chiapas, Mexico.
Methods: Qualitative study on the performance,
structure and dynamics of SIVE VIH/SIDA, based on
interviews with the personnel participating in this
surveillance system, using the Updated Guidelines for
the Evaluation of Public Health Surveillance Systems.
The analysis was performed through the cyclic
interactive method of content analysis, from which the
evaluation indices were constructed.
Results: A total of 32 interviews were conducted. The
structure was described as
well defined, at the expense
of organizational dimensions, procedures and material
resources. The dynamics of information, from the
perspective of the collection, processing and use of
information, was rated as
regular. The performance of
the SIVE HIV/AIDS in Chiapas was regular at the
expense of these attributes of the information system:
simplicity, flexibility, quality of data, acceptability,
sensitivity, representativeness, timeliness and stability.
Conclusions: In order to improve the performance of
SIVE VIH/SIDA, it is necessary to strengthen the human
resources and use of information dimensions, so that it
can be an instrument for action.
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