2018, Number 4
Improvement of knowledge and feeding behavior of adolescents with an educational intervention based on food orientation
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 248-255
PDF size: 1861.14 Kb.
Introduction: Adolescents are susceptible to unhealthy eating behaviors that trigger health problems such as obesity, malnutrition or eating disorders.Objective: To evaluate the effect of an educational intervention based on food orientation to improve knowledge and eating behavior of high school students.
Methods: Quasi-Experimental study, with 32 adolescents between 15 and 17 years old. A structured pre-test and post-test questionnaire was applied to an educational food orientation program based on NOM-043-SSA2-2012. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and nonparametric Student t to observe the difference (p ≤ 0.05).
Results: 56.2% of adolescents of both sexes are in Normopeso. Overweight was higher in men (44.5%) than in women (35.7%). There was an increase in the consumption of pure water (20%) and a decrease in the consumption of soft drink or water of flavor (8%). The consumption of fruits and vegetables (18%), cereals and tubers (16%) and foods of animal origin (9%) also increased. The pretest and posttest difference was significant (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusions: The educational intervention based on food orientation has a positive effect on knowledge by reinforcing the adolescents' eating behavior.
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