2018, Number S2
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2018; 21 (S2)
Functionalized edible films and coatings
Solano-Doblado LG, Alamilla-Beltrán L, Jiménez-Martínez C
Language: Spanish
References: 79
Page: 30-42
PDF size: 624.11 Kb.
Pests and inadequate post-harvest handling has led to losses in horticultural products, therefore the development
and production of edible biodegradable films has been sought as an alternative in recent years. These edible films
are made with materials such as carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids, with physical and mechanical characteristics
similar to the non-degradable packaging, but with the advantage of having a bioactive function as barriers; by
adding vegetable extracts, edible biodegradable films may exert antimicrobial activity, protection against UV
and visible light, against carriers of antioxidants and/or dyes, along with improving the visual characteristics of the
product. Because of these attributes, edible biodegradable films have been referred to as “Intelligent films”, since
considerable progress has been observed in their elaboration, such as the presence of colorful sensors capable of
detecting chemical changes and the presence of microorganisms in foods, revealing the state in which they are
optimal and even if they are or not in an adequate state for consumption. The objective of this work is to make
a summary of various research and current trends in the study and development of edible films and coatings,
emphasizing their application in the horticultural chain and their effect on fresh and minimally processed foods.
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