2018, Number 2
Care to the reproductive risk of women with diabetes mellitus in a municipality of the Cuban capital
Cruz HJ, Llopis KL, Lang PJ, González CTM, González HOJ, Ledón LL
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 162.80 Kb.
Introduction: in Cuba, less than half of diabetic women who get pregnant receive preconception care.Objective: to describe aspects related to the attention to the reproductive risk of the diabetic woman, and the role played by the family doctor in this activity in a municipality of the Cuban capital.
Methods: first stage: descriptive cross-sectional study, which included 132 diabetic women in childbearing age (interview); and, second stage: exploratory study, which involved 57 family doctors (application of preconception care questionnaire conducted in Plaza de la Revolución municipality, Havana, from 2012 to 2016). Percentage and chi square methods were used to describe and compare categorical variables, respectively. It was considered p< 0.05.
Results: the history of gestational complications was more frequent in women without preconception care. 68.9 % (91/132) of these used contraceptives, mostly barrier methods (51.6 %), and 61.5 % (16/26) of those who want to get pregnant attend to a preconception care consultation, which it is related to their level of therapeutic education. Family doctors have insufficient knowledge about preconception care, and do not play a preponderant role in delivering it.
Conclusions: the majority of diabetics of childbearing age are receiving preconception care; nevertheless, family doctors have insufficient knowledge about these and do not play a preponderant role in the attention to the reproductive risk of these women.