2006, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2006; 8 (2)
Criteria for Prescribing Hypolipemiant Treatment in a Mexico City-based Family Medicine Unit
Palestina-Antunes MI, Ocampo-Barrio P, Quiroz-Pérez JR
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 103-108
PDF size: 85.10 Kb.
Objective: Our aim was to determine and compare criteria used by the Family Physician for prescribing hypolipemiant treatment.
Materials and Methods: We conducted an observational, transversal, and comparative study among Family Medicine Specialists and General Physicians affiliated with a primary-level healthcare unit. For information collecction, we constructed and validated an instrument
ex profeso, and employed descriptive and inferential statistics for study results analysis.
Results: The study sample was made up of 50 physicians (60%, Family Medicine Specialists and 40%, General Physicians). Eighty two percent of physicians used the following criteria for pharmacologic prescription: 12%, exclusively quantitative criteria, and 6%, qualitative criteria. There were no statistically significant differences between Specialists and non-Specialists, and years of seniority as a medical professional appeared not to possess an influence.
Conclusions: Experience obtained during the development of professional activities and academic formation did not appear to exert an influence on the criteria utilized for prescribing hypolipemiant pharmaceuticals, perhaps as a result of the organizational and work systems of the Health Institutions involved.
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