2018, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (6)
Alternative HPV vaccination schedules in Latin America
Robles C, Hernández ML, Almonte M
Language: English
References: 48
Page: 693-702
PDF size: 361.99 Kb.
In 2008, the first HPV vaccination program in Latin America
started in Panama, targeting girls aged 10-11 years with a
3-dose vaccine schedule, an initiative that was to be followed
by other Latin American countries after local feasibility and
population acceptability evaluations were completed. A
3-dose vaccine regimen over six months was originally chosen
for HPV vaccines, copying the Hepatitis B vaccine schedule
(0, 1-2, 6 months). Alternative vaccine schedules have been
proposed afterwards based on: i) noninferior immunogenicity
or immune response levels compared to those at which clinical
efficacy has been proven (i.e., those observed in a 3-dose
HPV vaccine schedule in women aged 15-26), and, ii) proven
efficacy in clinical trials and/or effectiveness among women
who were provided less than three doses due to a lack of
adherence to a 3-dose vaccine schedule. In 2014, based on
the available evidence and the potential increase in coverage
by expansion of vaccination target groups, particularly in
low and middle income countries (LMIC), the World Health
Organization recommended a 2-dose schedule with at least
a 6-month interval between doses for females up to 15 years
of age and a 3-dose schedule for older women. More recently,
it has been suggested that 1-dose HPV vaccination schemes
may provide enough protection against HPV infection and
may speed up the introduction of HPV vaccination in LMIC,
where most needed.
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