2018, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2018; 34 (5)
Comparison of cognitive performance among patients with abnormal and physiological circadian patterns of systemic blood pressure in a rural community
Cáceres-Castro FJ, Castro-Sansores CJ, Martínez-Díaz GJ, Herrera-Sánchez LF
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 697-703
PDF size: 442.95 Kb.
Background: Hypertension is a chronic disease widely approached and related
with several organic dysfunctions, brain damage and its cognitive performance among
them. Nowadays we count with dispositives that can do arterial measures in an ambulatory
form for 24 hours, which opens a path to study the circadian patterns and their
possible consequences.
Objective: To compare the cognitive performance between patients with physiologic
and pathologic arterial circadian patterns in the inhabitants of a rural community in
Material and Method: A clinical epidemiologic study, with observational analytic
transversal and prospective design was done from January to December 2016. There
were performed ambulatory arterial records of 24 hours in patients older than 50 years
without previous diagnosis of hypertension. Then the RBANS (Repeatable Battery for
the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status) battery was applied to them.
Results: There were performed 30 ambulatory arterial records. We found a significant
difference (p = 0.028) with the Pearson’s
2 when contrasting the cognitive
performance amount the circadian physiologic and pathologic patterns. It showed a
bigger frequency of higher cognitive performance amount the patients with pathologic
circadian patterns.
Conclusions: Patients seem to have a higher cognitive performance with a higher
decline in their night arterial pressure. This could be explainef by the lack of an established
limit to differentiate a physiologic arterial pressure decline with the pathologic
one among adults in the middle age.
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