2018, Number S1
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Rev CONAMED 2018; 23 (S1)
Institutional neglect of children with neurological disorders and malnutrition in Oaxaca
Herrera RD, Paulo MA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 30-39
PDF size: 122.34 Kb.
This article presents the results of an anthropological investigation carried out in Oaxaca, it consisted in the reconstruction of the trajectories of disease in children with neurological disorder and malnutrition from their mothers narratives and the ethnographic record of the hospital context. The neglect is expressed in different spheres (affective-emotional, economic and institutional) all of which correlate to the nonexistent nutritional recovery and hospital readmission of these children. Understanding institutional neglect is the central piece of this work, and will allow us to comprehend the actions of mothers and health personnel in the context of structural violence, revealed in the form of violations to the rights of children and health professionals in the State of Oaxaca.
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