2018, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2018; 86 (09)
Hayman uterine compression stitch: four years’ experience
Moreno-Santillán AA, Posadas-Nava A, Martínez-Adame LM, Celis-González C
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 590-596
PDF size: 375.73 Kb.
Objective: To report a 4-year institutional experience in the use of Hayman uterine
compression stitch as a conservative method for the management of the postpartum
Materials and Methods: We designed a prospective and observational study
from January 1 2014 to January 1 2018 in a tertiary care hospital. Hayman suture was
applied to all cases with postpartum hemorrhage and poor response to uterotonic drug
therapy. We recorded information about general obstetric information, indications,
effectiveness, complications and time about the uterine compression stich, bleeding
and need of practicing another technique.
Results: Hayman suture was performed on 87 patients to control intractable postpartum
hemorrhage that did not respond to uterotonic agents. The postpartum hemorrhage
presented at cesarean section in 73/87 of the cases and in 16% after vaginal birth. The
average time for Hayman suture was 5.1 minutes and the mean bleeding was 1310.4
± 730.3 mL. Hayman suture was successful in 78/87 of the cases, in 5 uterine vessels
and ovarian vessels were also ligated and 2 required hysterectomy because of persistent
bleeding. The postoperative course was uncomplicated.
Conclusion: Hayman's compressive suture can control postpartum obstetric
hemorrhage, secondary to atony or placental bed hemorrhage, without the need for
additional procedures or techniques.
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