2006, Number 3
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Acta Ortop Mex 2006; 20 (3)
Knowledge of professional hability in medical practice.
López-Almejo L, Palapa-García LR, Bueno-Olmos ME, Méndez-Gómez MA
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 132-138
PDF size: 113.35 Kb.
Liability for medical care decisions falls on the medical staff. At times decisions are made immediately due to the seriousness of the case and may be a reason for dissatisfaction and lawsuits. Given that the doctors are the most affected ones, they need to be aware of the Mexican Legal framework and their rights and regulations.
Objectives: To determine the knowledge of Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists on their Professional Liability.
Material and methods: A crosssectional, survey-type of study was undertaken, with a non-probabilistic convenience sample at the
Magdalena de las Salinas UMAE Trauma and Orthopedics Hospitals from June to October 2005. A total of 200 orthopedic surgeons of both genders were interviewed; 70 were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria. The instrument included 15 multiple choice items, and was validated by experts. The indicators used included the basics of Professional Liability and the Mexican Legal Framework.
Results: 84% of the total medical population was surveyed and 65% answered the full survey. The minimum number of correct answers was 4 (0.8%), the maximum 13 (3.8%). The most frequent number of right answers was 9 (25.4%) and 8 (22.3%). The mean score of the 130 surveys was 5.7. Males were predominant among Orthopedics specialists with a male-to-female ratioof 15:1. Most doctors were 40-59 years of age (72%) and had a seniority of 11-30 years (77.6%).
Conclusions: The survey allowed determining that current knowledge of Orthopedic Surgeons on their professional liability is “poor” (5.7). Variability in the level of knowledge is considerable and it may have occurred at random. Educational and updating activities on this topic are necessary.
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