2018, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2018; 25 (4)
Quality of Life and Factors Associated with Non-adherence to Treatment in HIV-positive Patients
Salgado JMÁ, Haddad BJM, Miranda CB, Martínez CJC, García BM, Joanico MB, Cruz CMR, Balbuena HE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 136-140
PDF size: 152.40 Kb.
Objective: determine the quality of life
and factors associated with non-adherence
to treatment in hiv-positive patients, in a
Health Care Clinic in Guerrero, México.
Methods: analytical and cross-sectional
study. The sample included 167 hiv positive
patients who were in an antiretroviral
treatment and attending the HIV Clinic at
the Vicente Guerrero Regional General
Hospital in Acapulco, Guerrero, from
May to October 2016. For the collection
of clinical information, the mos-hiv
questionnaire was used to evaluate quality
of life and the smaq questionnaire to
analyze adherence to treatment.
167 patients were surveyed, male-female
relationship 3:1. 49% of patients did not
have adherence to treatment, whereas
93% showed good quality of life; men reported
better adhesion. Factors associated
with bivariate analysis to non-adherence
were: schooling and age. In the multivariate
analysis only the age was statistically
Conclusions: Most patients
said they had a good quality of life,
however half of them did not adhere to
treatment; it is necessary to carry out educational
intervention studies to modify
the associated variables.
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