2018, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2018; 5 (Esp)
Reorganización de los servicios de salud en caso de un brote de dengue y evaluación del sistema de salud para enfrentarlo. Simulación Corrientes Argentina
Gomez F, Gomez-Roleri C, Sosa-Lucia L, Montiel NCI, Meza EG, Benitez-Sosa CS, Dindart J
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 74-81
PDF size: 380.19 Kb.
Objective: To measure the degree of response to
emergency epidemiological situations, taking into
account coordination and decision making through
Material and method: We carried out
a study of the evaluative application type where the
simulation is about a dengue outbreak. The scenario
develops with the appearance of suspected cases
of dengue, without prior notice, in a Primary Care
Center and in a Hospital inSeptember 2012.
92% of the CAPS staff and 60 % of the hospital staff
were unaware of the existence of a contingency
plan with a notification flowchart. 40% of the Caps
staff and 27% of the hospital did not recognize the
emergency situation. Only 30% in the CAPS and 15%
in the hospital was classified appropriately according
to severity.
Conclusion: Both institutions did not
communicate in a timely manner, in order to initiate
the action process, and the referrals and referrals were
not made properly. Nor did the staff fail to respond in
what way the additional resources should be activated
and / or where the references and / or referrals should
be made. Although they receive updated information
on the dengue situation in the region. The randomly
selected hospital presents the main characteristic is
being polytrauma.
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