2018, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2018; 17 (3)
Composición, forma corporal y lípidos sanguíneos en jugadoras universitarias de baloncesto de competición
Corvos HCA, Corvos AV
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 9-16
PDF size: 248.62 Kb.
Introduction: The cineanthropometry analyzes the morphological and functional dimensions of the athlete in the sport, or
position-specific function, in addition, is very important to know blood lipids for better control in terms of health.
To analyze the composition, body shape and blood lipids by position-specific College ballers.
Methods: Descriptive and
comparative field study, the sample consists of 21 players. Skin folds, circles and were bone diameters for the obtaining of the
variables of body adiposity, muscle mass and somatotype, considering also the lipid profile.
Results The eaves and bases
showed lower values in the skin folds (differences between bases and pivots), in the sum of these (differences between bases
and pivots) and in the percentage of body fat of 26, 9020±0, 30 and 33, 20±8, 74 respectively (differences between bases and
pivots). Muscle mass turned out to be higher in the bases (37,32%) and eaves (36,40) with significant differences with respect
to the pivots. 3 groups were characterized by having a somatotype endomorph-mesomorph with prevalence of adipose tissue
followed by relative muscle mass. In relation to the lipid profile, there were no significant differences between the groups,
only a slight decrease of the cholesterol bound to lipoproteins of high density in the eaves and bases.
Conclusions: The base
and eaves are prone to being overweight and the pivots to obesity, and a categorization by position-specific endomorphmesomorph
somatotype and the whole group, then blood lipids behaved within the normative values, to except for the
cholesterol bound to high-density lipoproteins, resulting in slightly lower in the eaves and bases.
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