2018, Number 2
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Sal Jal 2018; 5 (2)
Experiencias laborales significativas en trabajadores de plataformas petroleras del Golfo de México en 2014-2015
Sibaja-Terán B, Soltero Avelar R, Torres-López TM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 98-104
PDF size: 307.05 Kb.
The aim of this research was to explorer the labor
experiences of oil rig workers in the Gulf of Mexico. It is
a qualitative study with phenomenological fundamental
to register opinions on the pleasant/unpleasant
experiences, beliefs, customs, feelings and emotions
of eleven workers of oil production and drilling that
were obtained by means of in-depth interviews realized
in the period since April 2014 to April 2015, under
voluntary consent and participation. The analysis of
the data was by case study and phenomenological
analysis (description, reduction and interpretation) that
involved the word coding, classification of family of
codes and construction of concepts from the perception
of the workers. It was found that the significant work
experiences were the anticipated thoughts to arrive at
the platform, the constant alertness as a mechanism to
oppose to the labor risks, the uncertainty of the day of
descent, the yearnings about the past present and the
coexistence during its work stay.
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