2018, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2018; 154 (3)
Development of the capacity for health regulation in Mexico
Santos-Burgoa C, Urbina-Fuentes M, Rivera-Dommarco JÁ, Híjar M, Sánchez-Tépoz JS, Gallaga-Solórzano JC, Alatorre Eden-Wynter RC, Zúñiga-Estrada A, García-Sarubbi R, García-Chávez CG, Carolina AA
Language: Spanish
References: 77
Page: 368-390
PDF size: 614.11 Kb.
The National Academy of Medicine is an essential space to discuss regulatory science in health, and to position its impact on
health and economy. Framed within the stewardship role of the health authority, health regulation is the action of protecting
the population against involuntary health hazards against which the individual cannot protect him/herself. It is an essential
function of public health, an institutional component of the health system and, therefore, linked to its reforms and to universal
coverage. Regulation has its support on an epidemiological, organizational, legal, sociological and economic theoretical body.
It has a methodological body that supports its regulatory process based on risk analysis and that is translated into regulations,
implementations, compliance, monitoring and evaluation of the regulation. It has a professional, financial, organizational, legal
and governance architecture. Given its universal action, it has a widespread impact on the population and a substantial economic
effect, influencing on at least 17% of regional international trade. Health through its regulatory authorities should be an
early part of international trade discussions.
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