2018, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (5)
Enhancing smoking cessation in Mexico using an e-Health tool in primary healthcare
Ponciano-Rodríguez G, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Rodríguez-Bolaños R, Pruñonosa-Santana J, Cartujano-Barrera F, Cupertino AP
Language: English
References: 38
Page: 549-558
PDF size: 239.58 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate an e-Health tool designed to enhance
smoking cessation in Mexico in primary healthcare.
Materials and methods. Smokers 18 years of age and
older were recruited in the waiting room of two primary
healthcare clinics in Mexico City. Participants used an e-
Health smoking cessation tool that included smoking-related
assessments, education on pharmacotherapy, and motivational
videos. A follow-up assessment was conducted at 12 weeks
week on smoking status. Logistic regression models were
performed to identify factors associated with smoking cessation
or consumption reduction.
Results. A total of 132
smokers were enrolled in the study. At follow-up, 23.5% of
participants self-reported smoking cessation. Among those
who did not quit smoking, 65.0% decreased the number
of cigarettes. Factors associated significantly with smoking
cessation were: being a non-daily smoker, being interested
in quitting smoking, having low level of physical dependence,
and participating in cessation treatment.
Conclusions. The
e-Health tool produced a high rate of smoking cessation.
Better outcomes are obtained when this tool is used with
conventional cessation programs.
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