2018, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2018; 21 (1)
Differences in risk behaviors and problems in persons with overweight and obeses
Salinas RJL, González DAF, Espinosa SV, González DHE
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 206.08 Kb.
In Mexico, seven out of 10 adults are overweight and are obese, this
has multifactorial causes, but little has been investigated about those
experiences and behaviors of people with obesity, because
importance is given to medical factors and the general analysis of
personality from the psychology. The objective of this study is to
determine the differences in risk behaviors (bulimia and suicidal
thoughts) and problems due to obesity among overweight and obese
people. The subjects were 382 people from a Family Medicine Unit
of the IMSS of the State of Mexico, who were determined their Body
Mass Index (BMI) and were classified as overweight (BMI = 25-30)
and obesity (BMI = 30- › 40). They were given a questionnaire with
a dichotomous answer of 12 questions related to problems they
faced and risk behaviors. The results and analysis of the data
indicate that the more overweight and obese people experience
more problems that involve greater anxiety, risk practices (bulimia
and suicidal thoughts) and accept more their obesity as a form of
cognitive dissonance to deal with the anxiety. The multidisciplinary
care of physical health professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists
is proposed.
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