2018, Number 06
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2018; 86 (06)
Pregnancy and HIV, absolute indication of cesarean section?
Posadas-Robledo FJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 374-382
PDF size: 347.37 Kb.
Objective: To assess whether neonates taken by elective cesarean from mothers
infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) have a lower frequency of
positivity in a rapid test at birth than those born vaginally.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective, observational, descriptive study. We reviewed
the cases of women with reactive HIV test during pregnancy, who received prophylactic
therapy with antiretroviral during the years 2014-2016. The cases are analyzed with reactive
test at birth and results are compared between delivery and caesarean section.
Results: In this studio, we analyzed 1,261 births, 1,245 women underwent caesarean
section and 16 vaginal births. We observed 103 cases of babies with reactive HIV test at
birth. Of these, 87 were born by caesarean section and 16 by vaginal delivery. 7% of births
by caesarean section and 100% of those born by vaginal delivery, recorded reactive HIV
test. The pregnant woman with HIV, who underwent elective cesarean section, showed a
relative risk (RR) of .07 with a 95% confidence index (95% CI 0.06-0.09). The risk that a
newborn by elective cesarean section present a reactive HIV test was between 6 and 9%.
Conclusions: Elective cesarean reduces the risk of a reactive HIV test in the newborn.
93% of neonates obtained by caesarean section were tested negative for HIV. All
neonates obtained vaginally presented a rapid test reactive to HIV even with suppressed
viral load. The woman with HIV should ideally have undetectable viral load at birth.
When it does not meet this requirement, it is suggested to consider the practice of an
elective cesarean section as an absolute indication.
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