2001, Number 2
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Rev Endocrinol Nutr 2001; 9 (2)
Associated illnesses to the obesity
López AJC, González-García LT
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 77-85
PDF size: 178.32 Kb.
Obesity as a health problem in this country lack, of an a adequate number of specialists and other medical personnel to attend the multiple requirements of these patients, this is it a chronic and high risk condition. Due to the different complications associated has a definitive impact in morbility and mortality. In this study, we evaluated the different ways of establishment of prevention programs in association with diabetic, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, hypoventilation, muscular disease, cancer, hepatic and pancreatic disease and dermatology disease. The research in this disease in the obesity patients in Mexico is poor, but we are suggesting news programs of research in this field to prevent and offer a better treatment for the different groups.
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