2005, Number 3
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (3)
Quality of life: towards the formation of the concept
Salazar EJG, Pando MM, Arana BC, Heredia LDV
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 161-165
PDF size: 255.52 Kb.
The objective of this study, is related to the
interest that has waken up in the professionals of
health with the term “Quality of Life”, understood as
the subjective perception that each individual has
with respect to its well-being. Different concepts were
analized, along with their dimensions, indicators,
characteristics and the utility that the concept has for
the development of new investigation perspectives
under the vision of the positive health indicators. The
appearance and the development of the concept
“Quality of Life” are an example of the existing
connection between the Social Sciences and the
Health Sciences. In the integration and contribution
to the study of the disease phenomena, health and
well-being, with a methodological and theoretical
foundation that allows to construct measurement
instruments and to extend the knowledge from a
person-centered view.
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