2018, Number 1
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Acta Ortop Mex 2018; 32 (1)
Rehabilitation of hip fractures. Systematic review
Izaguirre A, Delgado I, Mateo-Troncoso C, Sánchez-Nuncio HR, Sánchez-Márquez W, Luque-Ramos A
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 28-35
PDF size: 216.13 Kb.
Introduction: Hip fractures are
considered among one of the most disabling injuries
in patients older than 60 years of age. This fractures
are associated with a high incidence of mortality
and it is the leading cause of hospital admission
that requires surgical treatment in Orthopaedic
Trauma Centers.
Methods: This systematic review
aimed to group, classify and report the best level of
evidence of physical therapy and rehabilitation of
patients that have been treated with osteostynthesis
after trochanteric or subtrochanteric fracture.
The outcomes of efficacy and safety were return to
activities of daily living, independence and rate of
Results: We identified 3,889 abstracts
from PubMed, and 1,567 abstracts from other
sources, after eliminating duplicates, and posterior to
a thorough screening 378 abstracts were read. From
these, 316 abstracts were excluded, and 62 articles
were considered eligible. After reading for relevant
outcomes 41 articles were excluded. Synthesis
was based in 21 studies.
Conclusions: Long term results of specialized physical therapy, appear to
be crucial in the first months after surgery, and not
that important after the four months after surgery.
Recent literature supports that the differences of
daily activities and independence of the patients
that survive a hip fracture tend to be similar with no
difference in the type of physical therapy.
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