2018, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2018; 23 (2)
Perception of health status and quality of life among young, mature and older adults
Razo GAM, Díaz CR, López GMP
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 58-65
PDF size: 115.54 Kb.
Introduction: Quality of life is a complex and multidimensional concept that usually contains a large part
of subjective perception. There are factors that may have some influence on such perception, such as the
appreciation of the state of health or the presence of diseases such as obesity, type II diabetes mellitus and
arterial hypertension.
Objective: To identify the relationship between perception of health status, presence
of diseases and quality of life and their relationship according to the subject’s age.
Method: A cross-sectional
comparative study was carried out. The perception of quality of life was compared according to the perception
of one’s own health and the presence of diseases. We included 221 people between 18 and 88 years of age.
Participants were categorized by age groups, with 96 young adults (18 to 29 years of age); 32 mature adults
(30 to 59 years old); and 93 older adults (60 and over). To assess the perception of quality of life, the World
Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQoL) instrument was used.
Results: The quality of life differs
significantly depending on the perception of health, the presence of diseases and the age group. Older people
with poor health perception and with the presence of diseases perceive a worse quality of life, compared to
young people, without diseases and with a good perception of health.
Conclusions: The traditional models of
quality of life based on physical aspects are exceeded for their application with older adults, it is important to
consider theoretical models that emphasize psychological aspects.
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