2005, Number 2
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (2)
Working conditions and its repercussions in the health of women that work within informal economy
Aldrete RMG, Pando MM, Aranda BC, Franco CSA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 121-127
PDF size: 346.46 Kb.
The aim of the study was to analyze the
relation between the work that women perform in
the informal economy, “open-air market”, and its
repercussions in health. The study is observational
and cross-sectional. 282 women who worked in the
“open-air market” of Guadalajara were interviewed.
The selection of the “open-air market” and women
was randomized. The 20,2% of the women did not
conclude the primary school. The average age was
39 years and the one of antiquity was 18 years.
93% lack social benefi ts and 33,6% present some
pathology. A relation between the following facts
were found: the valuation of their health with the
place where they consume foods. The presence of
pathology was related to working less than 4 days, to
be the owner of the stall, to make the accounting, to
be absent of work, the schooling, and to have been
hospitalized in the last year (p 0.05). The activities perfomed by the woman who works in the informal economy are related to the valuation of health and the presence of pathologies.
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